Rockin' Christmas
I let the kids decorate the Christmas tree this year. They had so much fun and it's still a work in progress. They'll go up and move ornaments around until they find the perfect spot. I think what I love most about our Christmas tree is that it's NOT perfect. It's a big ol' mix of ornaments of various styles. I would love to put up a small, feathery tree of white and decorate it in perfect pink ornaments...
Tree Trimmin' Party
X-Mas Market
Santa's Bag O' Goodies
Luv My Cute Vaio
I took these pictures last year. I was actually intending on making a "birth announcement" for all my digital buddies. BTW- the birth weight is just under 5 lbs with the battery. heehee
I was going through my some pictures from last year and decided that I really MUST make a layout about my adorable little computer.
Winter Ponies
Cherrywood Farm
Shabby Snowkisses
X-Mas Market
Harvest Night
Annika the Pooh
Annika was the cutest at Disneyland this week. She pranced around Disney with these adorable Pooh ears. I just love 'em.
Shabby Snowkisses by Shabby Miss Jenn
French Attic by Shabby Miss Jenn
Harvest Night by Shabby Miss Jenn
Tree Trimmin' Party by Shabby Miss Jenn
Baskerville Old Face
Black Jack
Holiday Concert
I downloaded the photos from Alex's Holiday Concert and man was I disappointed. :( Every single one of them was BLURRY. Bad blurry. :( I keep playing around with the settings on my camera and I keep forgetting to turn the dial back to "Auto". I did however manage to "kinda" save two of the pictures.
Whimsical Wonder (12 days Freebie) by Flergs
Chocolate Berry Glitter by Flergs
Photographer's Assistant Actions by Holly McCaig
Bambi Bold
Black Jack
I don't even know what to say, this digital artist is INCREDIBLE!!! I love her stuff. I need some funds in my paypal so that I can buy everything else she has to offer!!! I LOVE IT ALL!!!!
Grunged by Flergs
Chocolate Berry by Flergs
Grunged Glitter by Flergs
Bambi Bold
Black Jack
Sweet Annika
While reading the forums at DigiShopTalk I stumbled onto a post where people were showing off some of their favorite kits. I was in awe with a particular designer, Flergs. I headed over to her store and bought two of her kits and two of her Glitter styles. Flergs stuff is AWESOME!!! I really can't believe how easy it is to work with.
Chocolate Berry by Flergs
Chocolate Berry Glitter by Flergs
Grunged by Flergs
Photographer's Assistant Actions by Holly McCaig
Bambi Bold
Augusta ES
Rady and Suzette...heritage layout
I purchased this new kit from SMJ a few weeks ago. I open it up every day and look at all the awesome elements and the amazing backgrounds. I bought it because it was so beautiful, however I really didn't have a use for it. I've been bound and determined to create a layout that would not only show off all the awesome details of the kit, but show off an amazing picture too!
Here you go... Rady and Suzette.... (I don't have a date for this picture yet)
French Attic by Shabby Miss Jenn
Frayed Fabric Action by Atomic Cupcake
Black Jack
Disney Album 2006
After my last layout I decided that I'm going to make an ENTIRE album dedicated to last year's trip. My intention is to buy (or make) an adorable little 8x8 shabby album to store this little treasure.
"Twas the Night" by Shabby Princess.
Is he gonna eat THAT?
We are getting ready for our annual trip to Disneyland. My mother-in-law started this tradition a few years back. We were actually NOT planning on going this year. Annika asked Jamie last week, "When are we going to Disneyland?" Dad felt a bit guilty and answered, "Next week!" LOL Our annual passes expire later this week, so the expensive part of the trip is paid for. We'll be taking the motorhome so we won't have to pay for a hotel, just food and goodies (goodies translates into ALL THE CRAP WE HAVE TO HAVE!!!).
This layout is from last years character breakfast. I'm not sure if this is Chip or Dale.
Twas the Night by Shabby Princess
CK Chick
Doll House
Last Christmas Annika got from us the Fisher Price Loving Family Dollhouse complete with all the furniture. (Mom happened to get a great deal on eBay). She had so much setting is up and playing house.
Winter Wonderland by Shabby Princess
Catch a Star by Gina Cabrera
Shabby Snowkisses Alpha by Shabby Miss Jenn
Funky Chic by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Teacher's Pet
Black Jack
Christmas Eve 2006
Last Christmas I took the WORST pictures EVER. They were all blurry. This is what happened. A few days BEFORE Christmas I was playing in the manual mode on my camera, Nikon D70. I took some awesome pictures of Alex's eyes, I was specifically working on getting some really great catchlights.
Then Christmas Eve came along. I forgot to set my camera back to the AUTO mode and I began shooting like a crazy woman. I shot most of Christmas morning still in the wrong mode. I was CRUSHED when I downloaded my pictures and saw that all of them were blurry. Ahhh man!!!!
This is one of my BLURRY pictures from Christmas Eve. I tried to sharpen it just a bit.
Xmas Market by Shabby Miss Jenn
Black Jack font
Holiday Shopping-Digital
I am out of control!!! All it takes is one of my new favorite designers to make a new kit and it's in my shopping cart faster than an Olympic track star.
Here are just a FEW of my purchases over the past few weeks.....
Advent Calendar
I finished my Advent Calendar. I totally love it. I went out Tuesday night and spent nearly $25 bucks on assorted boxes and paints. Over the past few evenings I painted the boxes. Today I added the numbers and tomorrow (I know, it's late) I'll add the little messages. My plan is to add family activities to each of the boxes. I brainstormed a list, it's not in any particular order and is subject to change.
- Make hot chocolate
- Drive around and look for Christmas lights
- Play a game together
- Watch Christmas Vacation
- Watch Polar Express
- Make cookies
- Purchase a special ornament
- Let the kids decide dinner
- Go out for ice cream
- Starbucks for everyone :) (Guess who picked this one??)
- Purchase a gift for someone in need
- Make cards for the grands
- Have egg nog
- Sing Jingle Bells
- Read the Night before Christmas
- Turn the kids loose with a budget in a discount store
- Write a note to Santa
- Give the neighbors a small gift
- Make tags for presents
- Make a donation to a charity
- Kids pick the movie
- Make paper snowflakes
- String popcorn
- Call a relative and wish them a happy holiday
Here's the funny thing...
Alex informed me that I'm missing number 24!! LOL I guess I need to head over the Michael's to get another box. :)
Check out Ali Edward's calendar, Shari's calendar, and Martha's calendar.
Biker Girl
I still can't get over how adorable A looked this weekend in her dirtbike gear.
Surfer Betty by Gina Cabrera
French Attic by Shabby Miss Jenn
Whirly Twirly Spring by Gina Cabrera
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
CK Slender
Today I did it!! Wooohooo!!!! Take a peek....
I'm so freakin' out of control right now. Shabby Miss Jenn **JUST** put a few new products in her store and I bought them immediately. LOL I think I hit refresh in her store about 100 times the day before yesterday just wishing that she's put some new stuff in.
Here we go...another new layout....
Shabby Snowkisses by Shabby Miss Jenn
Tree Trimmin' Party by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Slender
First Christmas in our new house
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
November Idea Notebook by Gina Cabrera
Harvest Night by Shabby Miss Jenn
Smell My Feet by Shabby Princess
Surfer Betty by Gina Cabrera
Little Dudes by Shabby Miss Jenn
Happy Trails by Shabby Princess
CK Extra
CK Swanky
CK Storybook
CK Slender
Give Thanks 2006
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
Harvest Spice by Shabby Princess
Smarshmallows by Shabby Princess
Cherrywood Farm by Shabby Miss Jenn
Holiday Sampler by Shabby Princess
CK Sketch
Turkey Day 2006
I'm home today with two sickie kiddos. Both woke up with runny noses, slight fevers, and sore throats. Chicken soup and lots of TLC are on the menu for today. They made up the couch like a bed and have been watching movies all morning.
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
Harvest SPice by Shabby Princess
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Sketch
I Heart Art
I think....this is my last layout for today. I feel like I've accomplished so much! It was so freeing!!!!
Smarshmallows by Shabby Princess
Boo To You by Gina Cabrera
Harvest Spice by Shabby Princess
Happy Trails by Shabby Princess
CK Sketch
Sick Chicken....the layout
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
Smarshmellows by Shabby Princess
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
Glitzy Borders by Gina Cabrera
CK Sketch
Welcoming Colton....a diaper cake
I went to a shower a few months ago and one of the girls had the most awesome gift, a diaper cake. I decided that I could make one too. This cake is for my best girl, Yvette. She's about to welcome her first child, a little boy, into her family. I really went over the top here with this gift, I didn't care though! I loved every bit of the process.
Happy Trails by Shabby Princess
Boo To You by Gina Cabrera
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
CK Typist
CK Cursive
This was the first time my girlfriend Danielle and I got our little girls together. It was awesome!!!
Happy Trails by Shabby Princess
Boo To You by Gina Cabrera
Cozy Comfy Fall by Gina Cabrera
Celebrating by Shabby Princess
Photo Actions by Holly McCaig
CK Typist
For the first time since Alex started playing football, his team made the playoffs. We lost in the first round, but getting there was so much fun!
Little Dudes by Shabby Miss Jenn
Boo To You by Gina Cabrera
Urban Kiwi by Shabby Princess
CK Typist
Happy Belated Halloween
Happy Belated Halloween! For those of you wondering, yes, Alex wore this costume last year as well. This year his football coach told us that the boys would have practice on Halloween night. The coach then told us the day before Halloween that the boys would get to go home at 6:00 in time for Tricks and Treats. Poor boy was so upset that he didn't have a costume. I convinced him to get his cape and that I'd do his make-up.
Boo To You by Gina Cabrera
Smell my Feet by Shabby Princess
Silver Necessities by Atomic Cupcake
I woke up that morning not being able to speak. :::imagine that!!!!::: So off to the doctor I went. She gave me two different inhalers and an antibiotic. When Jamie got home from work, off we headed.
We made it about an hour out of town when :::wham::: something hit the motorhome. We weren't sure what it was, it was crazy windy, but we were sure something hit. We pulled over and checked it out. The roof on the rear drivers side had peeled up!!! We were totally freaking out. We figured that if we drove back the way we came the wind would blow the piece down. I was on the phone with AAA arranging for the claims adjuster to come take a look. We finally made it home about an hour later with two very disappointed kids. AAA told us to take it into the shop on Monday.
Monday: Take the coach to the shop
Monday: Shop says they can't fix it.
Tuesday: Call other shops
Tuesday: No one can fix it.
Wednesday: Call friend with shop
Wednesday: He'll fix it, bring it down.
Saturday: Drive coach down to shop (the shop is in Santa Clarita, where all the fires are blaring)
Jamie calls me Saturday from the freeway and says, "The good news is we have a flat, the bad news is it shredded the floorboard and took out the gas tank."
HOLY FREAKING Shananigans!!!! Our motorhome sits at our friends shop awaiting the AAA claims adjuster. As of right now it has well over 15 grand worth of damage. :(
I'm soooooooooooooo ready for this string of bad luck to END!!!!!!!!!
Today I sat down and created a layout, it felt great!!!!
Harvest Night by Shabby Miss Jenn
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
Cherrywood Farm by Shabby Miss Jenn
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Typist

What Disney Character?
![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Which Disney Character is your Alter Ego? created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Peter Pan Your alter ego is Peter Pan. You are a child at heart. Anything you believe is possible, and you never want to grow up.
I'm kinda sad, I really wanted to be a princess.... :(
What Accent?
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The West Your accent is the lowest common denominator of American speech. Unless you're a SoCal surfer, no one thinks you have an accent. And really, you may not even be from the West at all, you could easily be from Florida or one of those big Southern cities like Dallas or Atlanta. | |
The Midland | |
Boston | |
North Central | |
The South | |
The Inland North | |
Philadelphia | |
The Northeast | |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
Like this comes as a surprise to ANYONE???
Stolen Name Game
1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current car) – Jasmine Denali
2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav ice cream flavor, favorite cookie) – Vanilla Ice (HAHAHAHA) Just Kidding...
Cheesecake Macadamia Nut
3. YOUR “FLY GIRL” NAME: (first initial of first name, first three letters of your last name) SGug
4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal) - Pink Orangutan
5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first) GugSa
6. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink put “The”) - The Blue Diet Coke
7. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)-Phillip Raymond (how sad, I don't know the name of my maternal grandfather, so I used my dad's name instead.)
Oh man...
Someone explain to me HOW on Earth my computer contracted SPYware and viruses with Norton and other programs running? This is something I really, really want to know. When I picked my computer up last week, the tech guy said that I had something like 600 infections!
Over the past two weeks I've been dealing with so much CRAP it's not even funny. I swear, when it rains it pours! You all know about Chicken and the computer, both of which are better.... :) You don't know about Annika though.
Last Monday Annika was sitting outside on the front porch coloring when her paper blew down the street. She asked if she could go get it. I told her yes and then she requested my shoes. Fine. Off she went down the street with ME watching her. She gets to the corner (about 6 houses down) and then she's totally farting around down there. I'm yelling at her, "Come ON!!!!!!!!! Get your paper and come back." She starts hiding around the lightpost and I'm getting madder and madder. All of a sudden a lady in a black Honda pulls over to her. I hear her ask, "Are you ok? Do you know him?" At this point I'm walking to Annika and now I'm freaked because a STRANGER is talking to her. The lady pulls up to me and proceeds to tell me this....
"Are you her mother?
"I don't normally turn this way, I live of the other side, but a man was trying to take your daughter's picture. YOu couldn't see him because he was around the corner, hiding behind the wall."
"I'll be back, I'm going to find him. Call the police."
I freak out! I grab Annika, shove her and Alex in the house, tell them to lock the door and call 911 if anyone comes to the door that's not us. I grab Jamie and we go looking for the guy. Tall, dark man, with longish hair and facial hair. He's wearing a tan shirt and is on a bicycle. We searched for nearly 45 minutes. We didn't find him.
We get home and talk to Annika and she tells us that not only did he try to take her picture, the MFer offered her candy too. The police were of no help and said that no crime was committed. I'm still pretty shook up over the whole incident.
We spent the next week role playing with Annika. What do you do if someone grabs you? "Scream, you're NOT my mommy." Bite him as hard as you can. Kick him, do whatever you can to get away.
I did make a layout today too, it's the ONLY picture I took last Halloween. BAD, BAD, BAD scrapbooker!!! Credits: Smell my Feet by Shabby Princess and Photo Actions by Holly McCaig.
Major Computer Problems
Hi guys! Just wanted everyone to know that I'm not ignoring you. I'm having MAJOR computer problems. Seems some nasty little bug got into my desktop and possibly my laptop. Hopefully I'll be back and running in no time! :)
Chicken is expensive
Office Call 35.00
Enema 60.95
Metoclopramide RX 8.00
Cat Lax RX 4.50
Feline RX food 2.60
Thursday Total: 111.05
Recheck Examination 17.50
Radiograph 94.41
Radiograph Interpretation 43.46
4 more radiographs 176.84
Barium admin 51.08
Fluids 21.50
IV Drip Set 3.04
4 Needles 0.44
CBC 60.38
General Health Profile + Lytes 109.22
Electrolyte Panel 0.00 (HAHAHHAHAHHA))
Saturday Total: 577.87
Coming home and having the cat start purring and WALK to her water bowl on her own....PRICELESS.
She's still not out of the woods, but I'll take it.
Pirate Name
My pirate name is:
Dirty Mary Flint

You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Like the rock flint, you're hard and sharp. But, also like flint, you're easily chipped, and sparky. Arr!
part of the network
I got this from Webfrau's blog. I always wanted an official pirate name! Argh!
Sick Chicken
Poor little Chicken kitten is sick. Sunday we noticed her throw up, but thought it was just a hairball. She really has lost her appetite over the week and hasn't pooped in a few days. Yesterday she started throwing up a yellowish fluid. I called to get her in to the vet and the earliest they had was this afternoon. The vet did his exam and told us that she was constipated. They did an enema and sent us home with a prescription laxative, prescription food, and a prescription for an anti-vomit med. I have to FORCE feed her because she won't eat the food. I dare mention the mess I'm dealing with? I've locked the cat in the shower with the litter box and a bunch of towels. I figure the shower is easy to clean.
My step mother often forwards me the funniest emails. I was thinking that I really should post 'em here for you all to read. I don't believe in forwarding. This one had me laughing my butt off. The only thing that I'd add is that the men should also have to hold down a full time job on top of that.
married men will be dropped on an island with one car and 3 kids each for
six weeks.
kid will play two sports and either take music or dance classes.There
is no fast food.
man must take care of his 3 kids; keep his assigned house clean, correct
all homework, complete science projects, cook, do laundry, and pay a list
of 'pretend' bills with not enough money.
addition, each man will have to budget in money for groceries each week.
man must remember the birthdays of all their friends and relatives, and send
cards out on time.
man must also take each child to a doctor's appointment, a dentist appointment
and a haircut appointment . He must make one unscheduled and inconvenient
visit per child to the Urgent Care (weekend, evening, on a holiday
or right when they're about to leave for vacation).
must also make cookies or cupcakes for a social function.
man will be responsible for decorating his own assigned house, planting f lowers
outside and keeping it presentable at all times.
men will only have access to television when the kids are asleep and all chores
are done.
father will be required to know all of the words to every stupid song that
comes on TV and the name of each and every character on cartoons.
man will have to make an Indian hut model with six toothpicks, a tortilla
and one marker; and get a 4 year old to eat a serving of peas.
man must adorn himself with jewelry, wear uncomfortable yet stylish s hoes,
keep their nails polished and eyebrows groomed. The men must try to get
through each day without snot, spit-up or barf on their clothing.
one of the six weeks, the men will have to endure severe abdominal cramps,
back aches, and have extreme, unexplained mood swings but never once complain
or slow down from other duties. They must try to explain what a tampon
is for when the 6-yr old boy finds it in the purse.
must attend weekly school meetings, church, and find time at least once to
spend the afternoon at the park or a similar setting.
will need to read a book to the children each night without falling asleep,
and then feed them, dress them, brush their teeth and comb their hair
each morning by 7:00 . They must leave the home with no food on their face
or clothes.
test will be given at the end of the six weeks, and each father will be required
to know all of the following information: each child's birthday, height,
weight, shoe size, clothes size and doctor's name. Also the child's weight
at birth, length, time of birth, and length of labor, each child's favorite
color, middle name, favorite snack, favorite song, favorite drink, favorite
toy, biggest fear and what they want to be when they grow up.
must clean up after their sick children at 2:00 a.m. and then spend the remainder
of the day tending to that child and waiting on them hand and foot until
they are better.
must have a loving, age appropriate reply to, 'You're not the boss of me'.
kids vote them off the island based on performance. The last man wins only
if...he still has enough energy to be intimate with his spouse at a moment's
Feeling Under the Weather
I stayed home from work yesterday because my stomach was KILLING ME. I don't know how else to explain it, I guess it was sour. I woke up this morning feeling much the same however I can't justify another day at home.
Yesterday I did run to Joann's and bought some awesome new pens for the class that I'm taking over at Big Picture Scrapbooking. I'm going to be taking Doodle All Day with Maelynn Cheung. I'm so looking forward to it as I haven't touched any of my art supplies in YEARS. Yesterday I did manage to pull out my AWESOME, WONDERFUL PrismaColor pencils. Let's just say that they are so old that some of them say Berol on them! LOL I still remember the day I purchased them. I was a senior in high school and taking 3 elective art classes, one being AP Art. I had saved and saved nearly $100. I had my dad drive me down to Swain's in Glendale so that I could make my big purchase. Yes, I could have gone over to Michael's to get them, but I wanted to buy them at a REAL art store!!! For many years I used to keep them in the black box that they originally came in. A few years ago I was given a cute little aluminum bucket. I filled it with rice and then plopped all my pencils in, tips up. I LOVE the look and they are so easy to move around. I'll have to get a picture up.
I also added some new music to the "blong". I do hope you enjoy it!
Check out Action
The AV Fair
Here is the layout that I finally created of our trip to the fair. Enjoy!
A Little More Whimsy by Lauren Bavin
A Little Whimsy by Lauren Bavin
Swirl Chip Alpha by Lauren Bavin
(All from Digital Scrapbook Place)
Journaling was done on the Wacom tablet by me. :)
School Rocks! (Free Mini Kit)
I love school! I love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils. I love the look of a brand new box of crayons. I love the eager look of students ready to learn.
Enjoy this fun little freebie!
School Rocks by Samara Gugler
Happy Tuesday
Nothing to report this morning! I just wanted to wish you all a happy Tuesday! Thanks so much for all the emails and comments, I really, really appreciate them. I now have TWO email addresses.... and I don't care which one you use.
Guess what I'm working on??? An alphabet VERY similar to the one in my Love Floormate layout!!! Wooohooo!!!! Watch the blog so that you don't miss it!
No bankcard yet. :( In all seriousness, HOW ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO LIVE WITHOUT ONE?????????