Nov 2007
What a crazy last few weeks!!! About two weeks ago we had a dirt bike trip planned. We picked up the motorhome, cleaned it, bought food, filled the gas tank and waited patiently for our trip.
I woke up that morning not being able to speak. :::imagine that!!!!::: So off to the doctor I went. She gave me two different inhalers and an antibiotic. When Jamie got home from work, off we headed.
We made it about an hour out of town when :::wham::: something hit the motorhome. We weren't sure what it was, it was crazy windy, but we were sure something hit. We pulled over and checked it out. The roof on the rear drivers side had peeled up!!! We were totally freaking out. We figured that if we drove back the way we came the wind would blow the piece down. I was on the phone with AAA arranging for the claims adjuster to come take a look. We finally made it home about an hour later with two very disappointed kids. AAA told us to take it into the shop on Monday.
Monday: Take the coach to the shop
Monday: Shop says they can't fix it.
Tuesday: Call other shops
Tuesday: No one can fix it.
Wednesday: Call friend with shop
Wednesday: He'll fix it, bring it down.
Saturday: Drive coach down to shop (the shop is in Santa Clarita, where all the fires are blaring)
Jamie calls me Saturday from the freeway and says, "The good news is we have a flat, the bad news is it shredded the floorboard and took out the gas tank."
HOLY FREAKING Shananigans!!!! Our motorhome sits at our friends shop awaiting the AAA claims adjuster. As of right now it has well over 15 grand worth of damage. :(
I'm soooooooooooooo ready for this string of bad luck to END!!!!!!!!!
Today I sat down and created a layout, it felt great!!!!
Harvest Night by Shabby Miss Jenn
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
Cherrywood Farm by Shabby Miss Jenn
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Typist
I woke up that morning not being able to speak. :::imagine that!!!!::: So off to the doctor I went. She gave me two different inhalers and an antibiotic. When Jamie got home from work, off we headed.
We made it about an hour out of town when :::wham::: something hit the motorhome. We weren't sure what it was, it was crazy windy, but we were sure something hit. We pulled over and checked it out. The roof on the rear drivers side had peeled up!!! We were totally freaking out. We figured that if we drove back the way we came the wind would blow the piece down. I was on the phone with AAA arranging for the claims adjuster to come take a look. We finally made it home about an hour later with two very disappointed kids. AAA told us to take it into the shop on Monday.
Monday: Take the coach to the shop
Monday: Shop says they can't fix it.
Tuesday: Call other shops
Tuesday: No one can fix it.
Wednesday: Call friend with shop
Wednesday: He'll fix it, bring it down.
Saturday: Drive coach down to shop (the shop is in Santa Clarita, where all the fires are blaring)
Jamie calls me Saturday from the freeway and says, "The good news is we have a flat, the bad news is it shredded the floorboard and took out the gas tank."
HOLY FREAKING Shananigans!!!! Our motorhome sits at our friends shop awaiting the AAA claims adjuster. As of right now it has well over 15 grand worth of damage. :(
I'm soooooooooooooo ready for this string of bad luck to END!!!!!!!!!
Today I sat down and created a layout, it felt great!!!!
Harvest Night by Shabby Miss Jenn
Autumn Tidbits by Shabby Miss Jenn
Cherrywood Farm by Shabby Miss Jenn
Uncle Patrick's Banquet by Shabby Miss Jenn
CK Typist