Perfect Winter Day

List five things that make up a perfect winter day.

Steaming Hot Chocolate or Coffee
Old Movies on the TV
Fluffy Warm Socks
My Man

DSP Bloggin' Tuesday 12/19

"What sets you apart from the crowd?"

Wow, I'm stumped.   I'm sitting here at my desk thoroughly stumped. What sets ME apart from the crowd?  Me, why am I different from the crowd? When people look at me they are surprised that I'm a techy geek.  I've been a tech geek since I was a "tween" and dad enrolled me in a "logo" programming class at the Learning Tree. I'm someone that NEEDS to have all the latest techy gadgets.

I'd rather spend time inside with my gadgets than go out! Most people don't realize that I'm quite comfortable at home. I do love go out with my girlfriends, but I can and will come up with a dozen excuses why I shouldn't go. Once I'm there, it's all good!  Getting me there is half the battle.

I'm shy but I'm loud. People don't realize that I'm really shy inside. I will not strike up a conversation with a stranger. I'm very comfortable with my friends, but man get me in a room full of strangers and I'll be the quiet girl in the corner.

Matt Damon Does Matthew McConaughey

I think I'm hooked on YouTube.

Check out this funny video.

Matt Damon

DSP Bloggin'

"Where do you go when you want to get away from the pressures of life, family, work, etc.?"

My bathtub.  Simply said, that's it.  I love water, I love hot water, add some fragrant bubbles and I'm in heaven.   I can sit in the tub for hours.  Sometimes if I really need to get away, I'll put my iPod  headphones on. In the summer months, I bring a tall ice cold Diet Coke to my tub. In the winter, I bring hot steamy coffee.   

I have been known to fall asleep in the tub, I usually wake up when the water gets cold.

My other sanctuary has got to be Target, not Wal-Mart, not K-Mart, but TARGET!!!  I absolutely LOVE Target.  I carefully walk each and every aisle looking for nothing in particular.  My family teases me something fierce because of my Target addiction.  Whenever I get stressed they ask, "What are you going to do? Go to Target?"   I also run into people I know there, other Target Fans.   Just the sight of one of their television commercials  is enough to send me into a frenzy. 

Stolen Christimas Questionnaire

I'll admit it, I stole this from Pat!!! LOL

Christmas Questionnaire

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Egg Nog (better with Rum!!)

2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Sitting in front of the fire place UNWRAPPED

Colored lights or white lights on tree/house? White lights

4. Do you hang Mistletoe? No. :(

When do you put your decorations up? Usually Thanksgiving weekend

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Hmmm...I have NO idea.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Getting up really early and unwrapping all my presents and going back to bed!!!

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? No. :(

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Truth?  Truth as in Santa spoils me every year?

10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree? Oh dear, our tree is a big ol' hodge podge of decorations, usually all on one side in one section!!!  I let the kids decorate it.

11. Snow! Love it or Dread it? LOVE IT!!! We don't get it very often so when we do, it's a real treat.

12. Can you ice skate? What's ice skating!

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? Yes, a beautiful 5 diamond promise ring from my NOW husband the first year we were dating.

14. What’s the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family.

15. What tops your tree? For the last ten years an angel, however since we are in a new house, she doesn't fit anymore! This year we have a star.

16. What’s your favorite holiday tradition? Watching "Christmas Vacation"

17. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I love both!!

18. What is your favorite holiday dessert? Candy Canes!

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? Winter Wonderland (it brings tears to my eyes.)

20. Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? YUM!!!!

21. What is your favorite Christmas special/movie? Christmas Vacation and Polar Express.

Weekend Blogging @ DSP

If you've never looked at this thread at DSP, you should.   Meg posts a topic just about everyday.

Today's topic is by Pat aka Loonyhiker.
Who is the hardest person to buy a gift for and why?"

My husband without a doubt is the hardest person in the world to buy for.  Basically, if he wants it, he's already bought it! Every year the kids and I agonize over what to get him.  Three years ago it was a gaming table which he hated and returned to the store.  Two years ago it was a Poker table which he liked, but he returned because he had already ordered one on-line! Last year we got him a handheld GPS which sat in it's box until last month when**I** decided to take it out and play with it. UGH!!! 

This year I'm debating between a couple of options.  He really needs a Grumpy_rage_hockey_jersey_3new helmet (we dirt bike ride). He also is interested in backing up his entire CD collection.  I had mentioned that he MIGHT like the iPod.  He's not very *techy* so this might turn into a *Samara* project. You all know that I don't need any more projects!!!  I did pick him up a jersey at Disneyland for Grumpy's Ice Hockey team, The Rage.  I know he's going to love it.

Main Street USA

MainstreetusacopyAll I have to say, is THANK GOODNESS we are home!!! Disneyland kicked my butt!!!


DonaldduckcopyAs many of you already know, my ISP SUCKS!!!  I've been going on nearly 5 weeks without steady internet.  Monday the cable guy comes and will install cable internet...WOOOHOOO.

My motto has become, when life takes away your internet, you scrap.  I made two layouts last night.

Some People STINK!

We just got back from 3 days at the Happiest Place on Earth.   As we were checking into the hotel, my DH called to tell me that he would be delayed.   His truck had broken down and AAA was flatbed towing it to a friends shop.  All I could think was cha-ching!  I hang up from him, stick my phone in my pocket and run out to the parking lot to move the car.   An hour later we were on our way to Disneyland when I realized that I didn't have my phone.   I searched and searched, used my MIL's phone to call mine, NOTHING!   I lost my adorable pink Razr phone!!!!  Last night I get home and decide to call my phone to see if somehow it's in my car. 

    Some man answered and said, "I've been waiting for you to call." 
    I said, "Excuse me?"
    "I'll return your phone for a reward."
    "WHAT? You must be kidding."
    "You shouldn't have left it in the restaurant."
    "Listen, I did not leave it in a restaurant, I dropped it in the hotel parking lot."
    "Yeah, I know"
    "So what's the reward, " he asks.
    "What did you have in mind?"
    "How much did you pay for the phone?"
    "Take the phone to the nearest Cingular store, they'll give you a reward."
    "I think I'll just throw it in the trash after I use all the minutes."
    "Well, I'm having it shut off in about 1 minute."

OMG!!! Can you believe this!!!

Christmas STUFF!!!

48_k_homemadechristmasYou are going to LOVE the newest kit in my stash!!!  You CAN'T get in NOW, but you will be able to get it on DEC 23!!!!    It's such a rocking kit. 
I just love designing with felt and this kit totally reminds me of all the homemade ornaments that are strung all over our Christmas tree.  I do hope you enjoy this kit as much as I enjoyed making it!

Taylor's Alpha

Here you go, Taylor's Alpha.   I had so much fun working on this adorable felt alpha.

Taylor's Alpha

Taylor's Nursery

Last month DSP moderator Amber asked me if I could design a kit that would coordinate with her soon-to-be niece's nursery.  I jumped right in and made the MOST adorable PINK, GIRLY kit ever!!!   I even made a matching alpha.

Taylor's Nursery


I decided to switch my blog over to typepad so that I could have control over my banner.   I tried and tried to figure out how to do it with blogger, but it just wasn't happening.  I do hope that you enjoy my new blog.

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